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Autumn is the cooling-off month between the blazing summer and chilling winter. Days are becoming shorter, winds blowing cold, trees are starting to change in beautiful bright colour and eventually shed their leaves in preparation for winter, and the crispness of Autumn is in the air. Its characteristics are similar to Vata dosha. 

As we move into Autumn, the transition from one season to the another is known as Ritu Sandhi in AyurvedaIt is the right time to clear out our ama (toxins) which accumulates in the body tissues and organs during the summer season. Ayurveda considers a seasonal cleansing routine is crucial to maintain a balance of physical and emotional wellbeing. To provide the right balance of all our doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha), Ayurveda strongly emphasises on prevention. 

When Ama accumulates, allergies, congestion, headaches, fatigue, chronic pain, low energy, brain fog, moodiness are some of the indications.

Rest and Rejuvenate with Ayurvedic Autumn cleanse

5-7 days of self love  Retreat 

  • Rejuvenate mind, body and soul
  • Improve the gut health
  • Help to teduce Ama (toxins) from body
  • Improve digestion, enhance energy and vitality
  • Supports to manage a healthy weight
  • Reduce constipation, bloating and acidity
  • Promote deep & sound sleep
  • Improve mental focus and clarity
  • Enhance winter health and immunity

Agni(digestive fire) is one of the contributing factors to focus and maintain good health throughout the winter month as when you can rejuvenate and nourish your tissues and organs alongside strengthening your immunity. Autumn and Spring are the perfect time to perform ayurvedic cleanse and to achieve optimal digestive fire

past year has been a roller coaster ride for all of us so let's make most this transitional time as this is the time to pause and reflect and recharge ourselves for winter challenges ahead. 

Who can participate in cleanse 

It is a gentle and comforting cleanse which is suitable for all Prakriti (Vata, Pitta & Kapha).

Nothing is more important than our health and wellbeing. We will be supporting you in your journey of cleansing to find 'NEW YOU'. All we need is your commitment, time and investment in yourself. 

Let's take a gentle and comfortable approach to take back control and tweak some of our dietary habits. Treat yourself for joyful, healthier & happier winter.

It can be in group of like-minded people, fmaily & friends to support and motivate each other throughout or simply tailormade to suit your time and availability.

 If you know Ayurveda or have not known but wanted to explore about Ayurveda and want to dive into a divine experience of ayurvedic rituals to relax, recharge, rejuvenate, and unplug.

It is not appropriate if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, extremely weak or its a time of the month for Ladies.

Take advantage of our Virtual Weekend Retreat - 

Autumn Special Offer £140 only. ( Including cleanse herabal kit )

 Sign in early to avoid disappointment as the spaces are limited.

contact us ASAP to get prefered date Between late september to early november

 Click here to Contact Us 

Once i receive contact us form, i will provide you further information regarding how to make a payment and itinerary of the programme (including essential shopping for the preparation).

What to expect during Cleanse:

 For a certain period, you tweak your diet and lifestyle so the body can rest and release unwanted toxins from your body. You will also have the guidance of light yoga, pranayama and meditation. 

Pause: Please keep these five-seven days less busy and give yourself more of 'Me Time' and if you are working then avoid hectic schedule. 

Unplug: Rest is also an integral part of the routine so give yourself a break from unnecessary social media usage and avoid extra distruction.

autumn’s soups, stews, roasts, and other warm delights, along with juices, herbal tea, Ayurvedic daily routine & self-care, Ayurvedic wisdom and guided teachings

 This programme is divided  into three phases:

  1. Preparation
  2. Cleanse
  3. Reintroduce
  • You will be provided a recipe and instruction for cleanse.
  • There will be virtual meet up and option to book an Ayurvedic Abhynga with me. ( To be paid seperatly)
  • I will send you the Prakriti quiz before starting the programme, which will help us to gain insight into the individual's Prakriti.
  • I will provide 30 minutes of consultation over the phone or in person  before starting the programme. 
  • I will advise on how to reintroduce daily routine and healthy diet gradually.
  • Last but not least you will also recive yoga, pranayam and meditation guidence.